Othello - Three Important Themes?

  • Iago’s professional jealousy in that Cassio got the lieutenant job over when Cassio is an “arithmetician” who cannot lead a squad into battle.
    • Iago’s professional jealousy in that he is not the general?
  • Iago’s sexual jealousy in that Othello has “twixt thy sheets, done thy office” – he feels that he has acted upon his skin colour and slept with Emilia. Why should Othello have the right to sleep with my wife because he is above me?
    • Othello is reminded that Desdemona is Italian and is therefore likely to cheat with someone of her own “complexion and clime”
  • Desdemona’s motives for leaving her father. Wrongfully made a mother figure once her mother died.
  • Emilia’s motives for being an oppressed woman. Speaking about the plight of women “I will not charm my tongue, I am bound to speak”.
    • But stole the handkerchief in order to mark Iago’s affection. Jealous of what Desdemona and Othello had.
  • Roderigo’s motives for wanting Desdemona. Unknowingly worked with Iago and was a pawn in his game of Chess.
  • Roderigo is jealous about Othello’s superior position in his married life – racism?
  • Iago’s jealousy about the relationship Othello has with himself and with Desdemona
  • Professional jealousy shown by Iago
  • Othello is possibly jealous about being a cultural outsider being of “royal men of siege”
  • Othello’s jealousy about Desdemona and Cassio which leads to him falling into a trance and the “green eyed monster which mocks him” the green eyed monster is Othello himself, he is giving birth to his own jealousy for no reason. Acts out of jealousy and asks for the ocular proof.
  • Brabantio is jealous about Desdemona’s elopement with Othello – racism? “this accident is not unlike my dream”
  • The lack of remorse from Iago at the end “demand me nothing, what you know, you know, from this time forth I will never speak word” – links with “motiveless malignity” - Iago is pure evil, a “demi-devil who ensnared my soul and body”
    • In effect asking the audience what they know because they know full well that such a relationship would not work in the future and so Iago broke it off before they did anyway.
    • Iago acting on state orders breaking the foundations of their marriage just as they had broken the foundations of society. Uses soliloquys to show the audience agree with him.
  • Othello’s remorse in that he kills himself. Seen as the heroic thing to do at the time. “I will meet her in contempt”.
    • Consumed by jealousy, victimised and followed her situation. A quick “Desdemona” role happened to him.
  • Emilia feels remorse for how she treated Desdemona and this ultimately makes her an admirable woman.
  • Cassio feels remorse even though he did not do anything. Speaks of his character and shows he will be a good general.
    • May feel guilty about getting drunk and starting off the whole chain of events with the “net that shall enmesh them all”
  • Absence of Roderigo’s remorse as he wants to break the marriage. Unaware that he is an unknown advisory to Iago’s plan