Tectonic Hazards - Degg Model & Vulnerability

Key Terms:
Hazard Risk – The probability or likelihood of a hazard occurring.
Disaster – A hazard becoming reality in an event that causes death and damage to goods/property and the environment.
Vulnerability – How easily and badly a place or people are affected
Resilience – How quickly and well a place or society can recover.
Degg’s Model:

Degg's Model - Wikipedia
  • A Swiss insurance company described a disaster as “an event in which 20 or more people have died or US$16 million value has been lost”.
Why Do Risks Vary So Much?
  • Unpredictability of hazards
  • Lack of alternatives
  • Locations vary so much
  • Changes through time.
Hazard Risk Equation:
  • Risk = Hazard x Exposure X Vulnerability
  • Natural hazards like volcanoes and earthquakes have a higher risk of becoming a natural disaster in poorer places where the vulnerability of the country is high and communities that are exposure which management strategies therefore low resilience.
  • Risk depends on the factors like locations, such as: Physical geography, development level
  • Countries on or near plate boundaries are most at risk
  • MEDC’s have high resilience, less vulnerable and have lower risk but disasters still occur in MEDC’s
  • LEDC’s have low capacity to cope, more vulnerable and are more at risk from impacts.