Tectonic Hazards - Management Modification

  • Hazard management cycle details the different stages of hazards
  • Methods can be divided into a modification of the event, vulnerability, resilience and loss.
Land Use Zoning:
  • Reduces disasters by stopping urbanisation on high land
  • Fewer will be ‘hit’ by a volcanic eruption, tsunami or earthquake
  • Hard to do in highly populated areas
  • Good for volcanoes then tsunami, but not as easy for earthquake
  • Bad if model prediction is wrong, easier to do in lowly populated areas e.g Iceland
  • New cites/developments could be built away from the risk zones
Lava Diversion:
  • MEDC countries like Italy have models to divert lava flow away from urban areas.
  • Lava hazards move slowly so it is easier to implement.
  • Requires skilled engineers to plan diversions and methods e.g spraying water and dynamite to move it.
Aseismic Buildings:
  • Best way to reduce disasters from earthquakes
  • Buildings are designed so they are strong enough or flexible enough to not fall down. Engineers include cross-bracing to strengthen concrete buildings or to get wood which is flexible yet strong.
Modification of Vulnerability And Resilience:
  • Ensuring populations are ready and can cope with the hazard
  • Hi-tech monitoring and prediction – Pacific Tsunami Warning System (PTWS), 26 countries have sensors as ocean buoys, a travel-time map is generated, people receive a text message. 
    • Reduces vulnerability and increases resilience 

  • Modify The Event
    (Mitigation Before The Event)
    Modify Human Vulnerability
    (Preparedness & Education)
    Modify the loss (response after event)
    Coastal defences (e.g. sea walls,
    Land-use zoning)

    Warning and prediction systems, coastal zone management and land-use planning, provision of emergency kits

    Loss modification involves immediate rescue efforts, followed by relief efforts e.g. NGOs which focus on food, shelter, water and sanitation.
    Insurance can help recovery.
    Long-term reconstruction is needed. Community action.

    Land-use zoning
    Earthquake-proof buildings

    Ground shaking and liquefaction risk mapping,
    earthquake education and drills,
    prediction not possible

    Lava diversion,
    Land-use zoning
    Monitoring, prediction warning and evacuation systems, hazard mapping e.g. lahar risk, education
Education And Community Preparedness:
  • MEDCs like the USA and Japan have education in schools and preparedness programs which are good
  • Practice drills, USA government has website to help people prepare
Modification Of Loss:
  • In the Haiti 2010 Earthquake – US emergency services provide search and rescue teams, short-term relief and aid such as medicine and water from Oxfam, long-term recovery aid from UK government e.g loans to rebuild the country.

Earthquake & Tsunamis
Do nothing Pinatubo lahar risk?
Haiti 2010?
Boxing day 2004
Modify the event (prevent)
Mount Etna, Italy
Hawaii Lava,
Iceland lava
Japan tsunami walls
NONE for earthquakes!
Modify human vulnerability (preparedness and evacuation)
Iceland 2010 ash,
Pinatubo eruption 1991,

Japan 2011, New Zealand 2011,
Modify the loss MEDC – all? Haiti 2010, Mexico 2017