Migration, Identity and Sovereignty - National Identity Becoming Elusive & Contested

  • Will the world become a global village? Everyone is becoming a global citizen
  • Ethnicities and culture will fully mix and integrate. Humans are becoming similar
  • National identity may become global identity.
Powerful Force:
  • Nationalism is a powerful force where areas are becoming more ‘nationalist’. Barriers to globalisation and migration. Examples are Brexit and USA boarder wall against Mexico.
  • Reinforced through educational history e.g. North Korea teaching nationalism
  • Can be done through sports e.g. Olympic Games. Through politics e.g. British Values.
  • Fear of globalisation when nationalism increases. Extremism also increases.
Identity and Loyalty:
  • Feeling patriot/nationalism. Sport is a clear area where people might change
  • Homogeneous nations like Iceland might view themselves as having a more collective identity
  • Identity can link to a place e.g. English Countryside bringing culture and Wembley
Changing Identity:
  • UK becoming non-religious but more people are Islam or Hindu and it is increasing.
  • Food becoming sourced globally and varied. Sense of place has increased e.g. towns. More attached to a place.
  • Countries becoming multi-national and has a variety of ethnicities. Can affect identity as people have different backgrounds and beliefs. Singapore has better identity than Iceland
  • Migrants are becoming “nationalists” e.g. some of them support Brexit and some of them support opposing sports teams.