Political Participation & Democracy - Other Organisations

  • Think Tanks: A group that has formed with the specific purpose of formulating and developing policy ideas.
  • Traditionally done by parties but now done by groups offer alternative views.
  • First seen under Blair’s “New Labour” – wasn’t supported by the party though. Came up the 3rd way (middle, where some areas were privately funded and some were owned by the state)
  • Can be single group issues e.g Adam Smith Institute on the single market.
  • Or it can be general agenda such as Reform who develop ideas for public services.
  • Privately funded by the group or individuals who have workable ideas
  • Like pressure groups, they rely on working with the government or with a party rather than a populist campaign.
  • Policy: Is an action plan for the government – to try and put it into law to become legislation.
  • The process of meeting with key political figures and trying to persuade them to support your aims
  • Corporations and other groups employ lobbyists to gain this kind of level of access.
  • Does not guarantee that it will work but adds face to face value and being friends with them can help
Lobbyist In The USA:
  • Based on K Street in Washington and is a $3.4 billion industry.
  • Influences legislation ‘revolving door syndrome’ where members of Congress join a lobby whilst remaining in contact with old colleagues.
  • 114 lobby firms in the UK, increase in politicians using lobbying.
  • No proof that lobbying works, no way to register influence. But the big growth in the UK and the USA shows that some of it is working.
  • Work closely with the government to develop practical legislation
  • Governments consult corporations on certain policy ideas to ensure they’re practical
  • Look to exert pressure on those in charge to gain an advantage – can be through lobbying. Look to exert influence and pressure through control of a certain part of society.
  • Pressure the government to give them more legislation of finical assistance by relocating e.g Nissan or Ford moving factories in other countries aside from the UK.
  • Those in banking sectors may relocate offices from London which would weaken the economy and would lead to unemployment as well as for support services such as food staff or IT sector staff.