Carbon Cycle - Human Well-being & Impacts

Forest Loss Implicating Human Wellbeing:
  • 350 million people live in tropical rainforests
  • Affects the carbon cycle and the atmosphere. Affects the water cycle with more rainfall and flooding in and out of the forest.
  • Affects: Biodiversity, medicines and tourism. 
    • Can also see the environmental kuznet curve model (diagram can be seen on the internet)
Global Consumer Attitudes:
  • Consumers are becoming more ‘green.’ Fairtrade products are becoming socially sustainable.
  • Organic product food sales are increasing as consumers have concerns about pesticides and chemicals that affect the environment.
  • More development level tends to equate with greener consumerism.
  • 66 billion trees planted in China. Known as the “Great Green Wall”. Will take more than 50 years to combat.
Temperature Affecting Evaporation Roles:
  • Climate change will cause an increase in precipitation by 2080
  • Surface water stores will be depleted by 2081
  • Peak average discharge in a river will also decrease by 2099
  • Cryosphere stores will shrink as more ice and snow melts. Fluxes will also reduce e.g Ganges
Threats to Ocean Health:
  • Loss of coral reefs will cost $1 trillion. Will affect human wellbeing through tourism and fishing and it will also act as a flood and erosion protection barrier.
The Philippines Coral Reef:

CO2 Increase:
CO2 Diffusion:
Warmer atmosphere and oceans leading to coral reef death and ecosystem collapse.
Lower pH leading to ocean acidification, coral bleaching and death of fish
Leading To…
Loss of tourism, revenue, reduction in food security, flood risk.
Areas that are vulnerable and at risk from these impacts will be affected more.