Carbon Cycle - Future Planetary Risks, Adaptation and Mitigation Schemes

Future of Global Warming:
  • CO2 emissions are still rising. If we continue to use as much then the temperature will hit 5.
  • Need to hit the negative global emissions
  • Australia is less developed in rural places. Africa will be less developed in urban places
  • Climate change may become a runway problem. The tipping point could see positive feedback cycles leading to an uncontrollable GHG release.
  • Thermohaline circulation will decrease as less phytoplankton cannot reach the deep ocean
Management Options:
Adaptation: Humans change to improve resilience and reduce vulnerability
Mitigation: Actions to reduce GHG emissions
Water Conservation & Management: Collecting rainwater to adapt to more droughts and evaporation
Carbon Taxation: Tax on carbon emissions.
SMART Irrigation: Apps measure when irrigation is needed. Adapt scarcity of water from drought
Renewable Energy Switching: Using more renewable or radical energies
Land Use Planning: Don’t build on floodplains. Adapt to more frequent rainfall
Energy Efficiency: Energy rating on appliances
Solar Radiation: Mirrors in space: Adapt to increased CO2 emissions
Afforestation: China planting more trees
Carbon Capture Storage: Storing carbon in the ocean.

  • Paris Agreement
  • Kyoto Protocol
    • None of these work because they are non-binding, some countries do follow them but those who don’t use more.
    • They need to be binding e.g fines if not followed.