Globalisation - Impact of Globalisation on Countries

Global Shift:
  • International relocation of industry, especially manufacturing, mainly to Asia e.g China does manufacturing and India does services.
  • MEDCs industrialised years ago, and are now deindustrialising. Newly Industrialised Countries (NICs) have more cheaper workers, fewer laws and regulations, less environmental controls etc. Therefore, more manufacturing now takes place in NICs.
  • Why China: Open door policy, dedicated workers, good skills, SEZs like Shanghai, less regulations and taxes, coastline access to the Pacific ocean, available land.
  • Why India: Educated to speak English, clever graduates, low wages, huge amounts of infrastructure which already exists.
Global Shift Benefits:
Global Shift Costs:
Education & Training
Loss of Land
Poverty Reduction
Unplanned Settlements
Waged Work
Resource Pressure
Infrastructure Investment
Environmental Prssure

Environmental Problems:
  • Pollution: Harmful substances in the environment e.g China’s rivers have chemicals from factories.
  • Land Degradation: Reduction in quality or ability to use land
  • Over-Exploitation: Unstainable use of a resource such as water from rivers of cutting down trees
  • Biodiversity: The variety of all life in an area e.g animals, plants
Economic Restructuring From Deindustrialisation Leading To Social and Environmental Problems:
  • Former industrial areas have now deindustrialised due to the global shift and other factors like more automation (less workers needed)
  • Economies in MEDCs e.g. Detroit in USA and Bolton in UK, have had to ‘restructure’ i.e. change!
  • Some areas do not restructure as well as they need to, and problems such as high unemployment, depopulation, land dereliction and contamination, and high crime (spiral of decline etc) result
Why Detroit:
  • Since 1950 population has halved (now 700,000)
  • Automobile industry collapsed due to
  • Competition and global shift
  • City centre ‘white flight’ – moved to suburbs
  • Poverty & crime risen: most dangerous US city