Globalisation - Globalisation of Migration

Key Terms:
  • Rural-Urban Migration: Migration from the countryside to towns and cities
  • Refugees: People who are forced to move due to war, famine, political persecution or natural disaster
  • Economic Migrant: People who move for quality of life reasons usually economic gains
  • Natural Increase/Decrease: The rise and fall of the population due to birth and death
  • Net Migration: Balance between immigration and emigration
  • Internal Migration: Movement of people within a country
  • Megacity: A city with population over 10 million people.
Types Of Migrant:
  • Displaced Person: Forced to move by war, famine, disaster or fear of persecution
  • Voluntary Migrants: Permanent move for work or quality of life reasons or a temporary move for work.
  • Illegal Migrants: Voluntary individual move for work, an organised move as part of criminal activity
Push & Pull Factors:
  • Push Factors: Poverty, conflict, natural disasters, crop failure. They send remittance back to the country they came from
  • Pull Factors: Education, healthcare, safety, housing, bright lights
Problems In Megacities:
  • Rapid population growth, lack of clean water, lack of green space, pollution, overcrowding, gridlock, slums
Global Hub:
  • A place or region that provides a focal point for global activities e.g trade and Shanghai
  • They allow a country to become globalised as TNCs set up headquarters in that area
Elite Migration:
  • When someone is rich moves to a country that is also rich e.g Russian celebs to London
  • Why: Push – Russian Mafia, pull – London lifestyle
Effects Of Migration.

Source Country:
Host Country:
Increase in taxes
Social & Cultural
Bringing in culture such as Food
Loss of workers
Political & Environmental
New skills perhaps as politician
Environment gets better because lack of people in country.