Globalisation - Tensions Caused by Globalisation

Multiculturalism With Globalisation:
  • Open boarders in the EU have increased multiculturalism
  • Deregulation (free markets) have increased opportunities for FDI and workers
  • More foreign workers and students now live in the UK
  • Globalisaton of people can lead to conflicts due to race
  • Globalisation of resources can cause conflicts e.g water and fossil fuels.
Example Of Culturally Mixed Societies:
  • Russian elite in London – 300,000 Russians = £Billions
  • Gulf states, low wage Asian workers from India, Pakistan. Large Asian communities in the UK who have colonial links and immigration.
  • EU immigrants from Poland (1 million in the UK) have increased tensions
  • Tensions Include: Racism, hate crime, riots, protest, stand-offs, arrests and vandalism.
Controlling Globalisation:
  • Some counties censor globalisation of knowledge, ideas, education, culture and democracy e.g North Korea banning mobile phones, China banning Facebook and news outlets such as BBC News
  • Some also limit immigration such as the UK who have strict rules for immigrants from outside the EU
  • Trade is protected by large TNCs and foreign imports
  • Amazon Tribes are fighting globalisation by protesting, Greenpeace are also doing the same
Retaining Cultural Identity:
  • Amazon Tribes are doing this because outsiders want their land, whilst they want to keep it due to it having physical resources whereas some people also embrace globalisation's economic advantages.