Globalisation - Challenging Globalisation with Sustainability

Globalisation And Sustainability:
  • The impacts of globalisation can be reduced with: Local sourcing, Fairtrade and ethical shopping, recycling
Local Sourcing:
  • Getting foods and goods from close by
  • Reduces ‘food miles’ – how far foods travel
  • Therefore, less carbon dioxide and pollution is caused
  • Can cause other benefits such as organic food so less chemicals are being used, less water pollution and biodiversity loss.
Fairtrade And Ethical Shopping:
  • Ensuring ‘ethics’ apply to goods and trades e.g toys made in china or agriculture produce from Africa.
  • Ethical shopping means it does not exploit the workers and help them e.g good wage, decent hours, safe conditions
  • Fairtrade is one type of ethical shopping as it guarantees farmers a good price and also guarantees they can sell the produce. Also helps with education and training.
  • Reduces ecological footprint by reusing materials which you already have rather than mining more from the ground or cutting down trees
  • Reduces waste to landfill, paper, plastic, metals, electronics can all be recycled
  • Reduces amount of energy and pollution created by products e.g Bolton now recycles
Other Info And Graphs:
  • Lamb has the biggest food miles
  • 18-34 have positive views on ethical shopping but don’t think it will make a difference.
  • LEDCs still have lots of slavery e.g India has 14 million slaves, USA has 50k
  • Recycling rates in England is increasing every year with peak at 50.0% in 2012/2013
  • Ecological footprints in MEDCs countries are increasing but India and China have big ones because the country overall has lot of people but individuals don’t use a lot of energy.

Local Sourcing:
Food miles and carbon footprint are reduced
Produce costs more – consumer uptake limited
Fairtrade & Ethical Shopping:
Farmers in LEDCs get a higher price for products
Too complex, some may not like it.
Reduces waste to landfill
Energy consumption is still high for processing and transport