Regeneration - The Need: Introduction

  • Economic inequality includes pay differences between jobs (high wage vs low wage) and how expensive an area is for people
  • Social inequality includes differences in housing, education, social services, healthcare, environment quality.
  • Perceptions are what people think of an area. What image or impression or ideas you have about it. Regeneration is needed when an area has huge social and economic inequality or in an area that people have a poor perception on
  • Regeneration aims to improve an area economically, socially, and therefore also improve what people think of a reputation the area has.
Key Terms:
  • Deindustrialisation: The change and movement of industries such as manufacturing from old MEDC centres to new centres in Asia
  • Economic Restructuring/Global Shift: A change in the economy as it develops from primary and secondary industry to services in the UK
  • Spiral Of Decline: Downward collapse of an area’s economy and social wellbeing.

Successful Region - San Francisco Bay Area:
High average wage
Low deprivation
Education standards are high
Not enough skilled workers for low waged jobs
Inward migration from skilled professions
House prices are high
Gender inequality in the work place
Less investment in rural areas

Problems In CBDs:
  • Traffic congestion and parking issues
  • Perception: Polluted or unsafe
  • Out of town shopping centres
  • Rent costs are high
  • Internet shopping
Decline Of Cotton Mills:
  • Deindustrialised areas have suffered from economic restructuring e.g global shift and therefore a spiral of decline
Problems In Coastal Towns:
  • Tourist numbers decline
  • Lack of employment in winter
  • Drug use, health problems
  • Spiral of decline