Regeneration - The Place: How & Why Places Vary

  • UK economy is now post-industrial: Past the period of primary and secondary industry being a major part of the economy.
  • As the UK develops to the highest level, the manufacturing and industry declined. More automation, industry moves overseas e.g global shift, people that don’t want have labour jobs
  • The tertiary or service sector increases such as banking, tourism and shopping
  • More quaternary industry jobs such as research and development, pharmaceuticals
  • Manchester were cotton mills in the 1800s (secondary industry) which has declined
  • Part-time, temporary employment has increased in Manchester
  • More self-employed workers e.g market traders
  • 73.3% employed was the highest level of employment in the UK
Manchester: Employment & Social Factors:
  • Historically has been low in Manchester
  • Global financial crisis 2008 led to unemployment increased a bit and output (how much is produced) has reduced
  • Inner city is traditionally a poorer area and has slightly higher unemployment
  • Social indictors: Health, life expectancy, education levels are all low in the inner city
  • Similar to areas such as Detroit in the USA where the inner city has declined and social factors (crime, unemployment) has increased
  • San Francisco, USA is an affluent area with a large amount of TNCs and n high standard of living.
Where Are The Most Deprived Areas:
  • Tend to be inner city areas that have deindustrialised
  • Leads to economic and social problems such as lack of income, falling living of standard than deprivation
  • Coastal and rural areas also deprived due to declining tourist numbers and low investment.
What Is Regeneration:
  • The long term upgrading an existing places or more drastic renewal schemes for urban, residential, retail and industrial and commercial areas as well as rural areas. This sometimes includes conservation to preserve a specific identity.
How Have Local Economies/Employment Sections Changed In The UK:
  • Places have become less parochial where people have less ties to a place
  • Places embrace growth employment sectors have become winners
How Does Economic Activity Vary:
  • Full time employment is at 18.4 million, vs 9-million-part time
Economy And Employment Affecting Social Factors:
  • Affects us all: health, life expectancy, levels of education
  • Measured by employment and outputted by LQ (an area specialising in a specific sector). A high LQ will decline over time e.g steel industry.