Superpowers - Relationship with LEDCs

Previous Relations:
  • SPs tend to have a more ‘one-sided’ relationship with LECDs as trade has benefitted the SPs more e.g importing goods from Chad.
  • WTO and other blocs have attempted to kickstart free trade and allow loans, but this must be repaid. LECDs are very much dependant on superpowers to maintain their own position.
  • FDI has meant that African countries must open up TNCs through the dependency/neo-colonialism approach. Problems facing LECDs mean that many have left the areas but LECDs still have problems.
Economic Ties Presenting Opportunities:
  • China’s interest in Africa has increased as FDI has grown rapidly. Increasing spheres of influence benefit China by allowing them a stake in oil and Chad.
  • China has huge contracts to build roads and infrastructure, but this can prose problems especially if China loses money through a break out of war.
  • This benefits Africa as the areas develop, increasing globalisation, interdependence and GDP leading to a upward spiral of quality of life.
  • China is exploiting Africa too much? The environment is getting damaged and there have been large oil spills. Resource wars in Congo have also been seen between minerals to sell in China.
  • Whilst there are lots of opportunities for SPs to invest in Africa ultimately, it causes exploitation, corruption and environmental damage.
Rising Economic Importance Increasing Geopolitical Importance:
  • Asia is growing in importance and power. This will increase the role of Asia and will be reflected in economic, political, cultural, military and demographic influences.
  • Will also cause conflict in Asia itself as the area is very diverse and disputes may arise over water and energy, IP right or even territorial claims.
Tensions Leading To Problems:
  • Middle East is very important for energy resources and has grown in recent years. Many of the different countries have different allies to one another e.g Syria to Russia & Saudi Arabia to western countries.
  • Can bring conflict over resources through this, religious tensions may also increase.
  • Recent tensions have been major war due to religious conflict and have destroyed whole towns and cities.
  • Can lead to problems for SPs as they support different sides and want to avoid inevitable conflict altogether.
  • Issues for the country itself through the millions of displaced people and energy resources becoming more and more expensive.
  • Whole area is unstable and is likely to be a no-go area for SP as they try and avoid conflict with Turkey in order to avoid more attacks on western countries.
  • SPs have struggled to gain influence of these countries and they depend on them for alliances. Future geopolitics is likely to be intense but there may be some opportunities but mainly challenges.