Superpowers - Sphere of Influence

  • SPs want resources – human and physical. Vital for TNCs & government. Resources are contested e.g land borders, islands or areas.
  • Sphere of influence are physical resources over which a country claims economic, military, cultural or political rights. Represent areas that a country has a ‘right’ over.
Disputes & Tensions:
  • SPs have tensions over physical resources
  • Territories in the Arctic.
  • All countries have an economic exclusive zone (EEC), 200 miles from the coast but they often extend resulting in conflict.
  • Current conflict in the Arctic as EEC spreads from the Lomonosov Ridge. Global warming may further increase tensions as the ice melts.
Property Rights:
  • Legal ownership of design or invention e.g iPhone is owned by Apple.
  • Important because ideas and inventions are stolen reducing the benefit of developing new products as inventions are not profitable.
  • Can lead to a strain on trade relations between countries e.g China & USA.
Territorial Tensions:
  • Disputes over physical resources like oil and gas
  • Expansionist policy in Russia has led to them building new islands and a military base e.g Spratly Islands
  • Different countries can share the EEZ of countries
  • USA, EU and Russia in the Arctic ocean over oil
  • Sovereignty may be affect4ed in Ukraine by Russian supporting rebels.
  • NATO have concerns about Russia’s actions so the EU & USA have stepped up military presence in the area to protect citizens. The SOI has increased.
  • Demands for resources increase and territorial disputes grow leading to conflict e.g China & BRICs.
  • A multi-polar world leads to more tensions and military spheres leading to a higher risk of war and fighting between superpowers.