Constitution - Conservative Constitution Reform

  • Because of the coalition, the Conservatives could only introduce a small number of reforms and much of what they wanted to change was ‘watered down’.
The 5 Worthy/Important Ones:
  • Fixed Parliament Act 2011: Established a pattern where a General Election could only be held every 5 years. Removed the ability for a PM to call one at a politically advantageous time. Limits made clear when May called one in May of 2017.
  • Scotland Act 2012: Gave Scottish government the power to increase or decrease income tax and also gave more devolved power to Scotland. Can also borrow £2.2 bn per year.
  • Protection Of Freedom Act 2012: Coming after the threat of terrorists, this act allows citizens more security protections from the state. More surveillance and data control.
  • House Of Lords Reform Act 2014: Aimed at halting the increasing the number of Lords by allowing existing peers the right to retire and some also had to go due to an-attendance.
  • Wales Act 2014: More devolution for Wales. Took control of the smaller taxes or some lower level taxes. Changed the name from the Welsh Assembly to the Welsh Government.
English Votes For English Laws:
  • Only English MPs should only be able to vote on bills regarding English laws.
  • Only used in 2016 when some English constituencies were permitted to the housing bill.
Scotland Act 2016:
  • After the 2014 referendum where the vote was close, the UK decided to give more power to the Scottish government so another referendum would not take place
  • Devolved institution was granted new powers over taxation, gained control of 50% of VAT
  • Scottish government for the first time where responsible for 50% of the money they spend.
  • Given legislative power over new areas such as road signs, speed limits and some welfare benefits
Should The UK Have A Codified Constitution?
Protection of rights
We don’t know what to include in it
Limits the power of the state
Becomes entrenched
Author reference points for the courts
Gives judges more power
Greater clarity on what is constitutional and what isn’t.
No agreed process for establishing a codified constitution
Informs people about the values of the political system
Pragmatic addition has worked well
Logical conclusions on constitutional reform
No popular demand for it.