Constitution - What Next For Constitutional Reform

Charter 88:
  • 348 people mainly from the Liberal and the Social Democrats which was founded after the 1987 election.
  • They wanted: Freedom of information, a fair electoral reform system which is proportional, open a second non-heredity chamber, legal remedies for the abuse of power by the state and government and distribution between nations.
Unlock Democracy:
  • Founded after Charter 88 went away
  • They wanted a codified/written constitution
  • They wanted a full separation of power
  • They wanted to limit the powers between the central and local government
  • They also wanted to review the electoral system.
Active Participation & Engagement:
  • Simplifying voter registration: Changed from a household-based system to an individual voter. This has been met with a low turnout.
  • Lowering the voting age to 16: 16-year-olds were given the vote in the Scottish Referendum and this was met with a high turnout but this has not yet happened in England and the rest of the UK
  • Wider use of e-democracy: Online petitions, citizen assemblies and citizen juries have been trialled
  • Opening up candidate selections: Whilst there have been more women in the Houses of Commons, the house has not been radically altered.
Providing Good Governance And Restoring Trust:
  • Completing the Lords Reform: The second stage of the House of Lords reform has not been completed. Original idea was that the second chamber was going to be partly elected but this has been done yet despite the public being told this would be done in 1997.
  • Modernising the Commons: Some effects to regulate lobbying and reform in 2013, there has been little movement in this. Recall of MP act in 2015 was weaker than the USA counterpart
  • Enhancing Local Democracy: Devolved Parliaments have more power but local governments have not enjoyed the kind of support such as the Scottish Parliament in the 2015 General Election manifestos
Delivering Fair Representation:
  • Electoral Reform: FPTP is inequitable. No reform since 2011 since Av referendum.
  • Redrawing Electoral Districts: Boundary commissions are going to make the constituency boundaries equal.